October 29, 2003

I'd like to buy that, but i can't

The new $20 bill apparently doesn't work in most of the automated payment machines like are becoming popular in grocery stores. It seems that, while the government worked with the "vending machine industry, transit authorities and the gambling industry" they forgot to include the companies that made the auto pay machines. To this I say, GREAT! I've never liked those things, since I tried to buy soda in college with them. If you go to buy 2 litres and you don't put them in the bag, it complains. I've got two 2 litres, I can carry them in my arms. I don't want to have to put them in the stupid plastic bag, which cuts into your hand. Oh, if you have multiples of the same item, you can't just scan 1 item 10 times and put the others in the bag, because obviously you're trying to steal things! Then, if you're buying any Alcohol, or want to use your credit card to pay for them, you have to see the person who may or may not be standing at the cashiers stand.

Posted by Cynan at October 29, 2003 03:07 PM

Could be worse. They don't even sell boozamahol at groceries in MD. :(

Posted by: Joel at November 3, 2003 08:09 PM

Yeah, I remember trying to find alcohol one night while I was visiting friends in DC. Seems that if you don't plan ahead, its pretty much impossible, luckily we found a store about 3 minutes before they weren't allowed to sell anymore. Stupid laws!

Posted by: Cynan at November 4, 2003 11:07 AM
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