November 25, 2003

More Media Strangeness

In an article about Malvo's trial on MSNBC, I found something interesting. About 3/4 the way through the article, there's an interactive dialog box that you can click on. There are 14 tabs, indicating the 14 shootings that occurred, which are linked to Malvo. Each one you click on gives you information about the shooting, the time, where it occurred. Here's the strange part. If the person being shot at was killed, it gives a picture, and their name. If the person survived the shooting, it only lists the age. It wouldn't have struck me as odd, except for the fact that EVERY single person killed had a picture with their name. What about being dead makes it okay to print the picture? What about surviving makes it taboo to show a picture or name? Is it only because the victims names wouldn't appear on public record?

Posted by Cynan at November 25, 2003 01:32 PM
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