September 03, 2004

I am....

Bryan had this test up on his blog, so I decided I'd take it too. For as short a quiz as it was, its pretty accurate. I think the actual Briggs-Myers test I took in college stuck me as an ISFJ, which I probably agree with more, but based on recent events, i think its really probably a tie between the two.

Introverted (I) 81.25% Extroverted (E) 18.75%
Realistic (S) 52.5% Imaginative (N) 47.5%
Intellectual (T) 66.67% Emotional (F) 33.33%
Organized (J) 54.05% Easygoing (P) 45.95%
Your type is: ISTJ
You are a Trustee, possible professions include - management,accounting, auditing, efficiency expert, engineer, geologist, bank examiners, organization development, electricians, dentists, pharmacist, school principals, school bus drivers, file clerk, stock broker, legal secretary, computer operator, computer programmer, technical writer, chief information officer, police officer, real estate agent.
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Posted by Cynan at September 3, 2004 11:31 PM
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