August 30, 2005


Two things about this, not that you'll see this post, becaue of the very long one to come right after I get done with this one!

1) I love how natural disaters end up turning into free loot for all the people who stayed behind. I know that's what I'd think about doing if all my crap had been blown away. Hey Frank, no one is around, let us go looting!!

2) If I read one more person saying that Katrina is our tsunami, i'm going to stab them in the leg. We had many days to prepare for it, not 8 minutes. I'm just going out on a limb here, and going to say most of the people that died were ones who disobeyed the mandatory evacuation order.

Posted by Cynan at August 30, 2005 07:44 PM

THere's 2 reasons people don't evacuate:

1) looters
2) the government often won't let you back in once the storm is over.

I think they could solve those problems if they'd let people back in, and also implement a "shoot to kill" policy for looters.

Posted by: Naginata at August 31, 2005 07:58 AM
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