November 06, 2005

Hey look, it's a post!

First, a short story about a truck I was following to work friday morning.

It was an older model Ford F-150 or 250, I forget, but it was blue ... or green. (See, that's why eye witness reports of anything over a day old are bad!) At first when I was behind him, it looked like he was getting ready to merg into the other lane, since his truck was sort of angled to the left. But as I got closer, and saw that he continued in my lane, I saw the truth. His truck frame was ben *so* badly that his front left tire was on the outside of this back left tire, and the front right was was inside the back right one. Make Sense? It looked like this \\, but not quite as steep, I'd say he had a good 5-10 degree angle on it though. How do you not notice this, better yet, wouldn't that be one heck of an accident to twist the frame/axle mounts that much? But the entire truck looked fine, no big dents, just the usual rust spots along the bottom. You'd wonder how fast he goes through tires

The second thing is I got a new cell phone, a Treo 650. Yay me! So far it rocks, and I have Soduko on it. Even better, there's a movie player out there for it, so you can watch movies on it. Now I don't need to get that video iPod! I've been ripping firefly into 320x180ish resolution with DVDx (it rocks by the way, go get it if you haven't. It also doesn't support XP64 so well, since there's not ASPI driver that you can install /rude MSI checksums.)

3rd, Why not make the average of 3.75 an hour?

4th if you like Bluegrass at all, check out Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband (iTunes free download of the week)

5th I had a date Friday night. Yay me! It took me an hour and 15 minutes to drive the 20 miles from work to where we were meeting, Detroit traffic is awsome at rush hour! As I was driving there, the sun was at the perfect angle to make a partial rainbow in the clouds as it set. It was actually rather beautiful. Then the date went fairly well, and hopefully there will be a second one in the making before too long.

Posted by Cynan at November 6, 2005 09:31 PM

So, give us more details. What's his name?

Posted by: Naginata at November 7, 2005 09:08 AM

you sombeach! you never told me you had a date!!!! who was it with? and was she american?? :)

Posted by: llew at November 7, 2005 01:37 PM

w00, go Tim!

Also, update us on your MythTV adventures.

Posted by: dave at November 9, 2005 12:39 PM

Good post today. Very engaging and good substance.

Posted by: Jeff at November 9, 2005 04:19 PM

*her* name is Melissa :)

Posted by: Cynan at November 12, 2005 07:07 PM
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