December 03, 2005

Stupid Answers To Stupid Questions

Where: The Mall!

Girl on Cell: Do you think [name of someone not important to me] would like a personal grooming kit?
Inside Tim's Brain: Personal Grilling Kit?
Girl on Cell: It has a rotary nose/ear hair trimmer, nail trimmers, ....(she reads off the product description)
Inside Tim's Brain: Oh...grooming, not grilling, that makes more sense!
Inside Tim's Brain: Why would *anyone* want that as a gift?
Girl on Cell: Oh well, I'm just at the store in the middle of the aisle, looking at the gifts.
Inside Tim's Brain: Must resist urge to tell girl no one ever wants a personal grooming kit...hey look something shiny!
Girl on Cell: Oh, okay, bye. (she puts down the kit and moves on the the other tables)
Inside Tim's Brain: I wonder how many people have unopened personal grooming kits hidden in the back of their closets.
Inside Tim's Brain: I wonder If i could start a company that would let people send in their crappy gifts, and after they've sent in enough, I'd send them something good, like some monogrammed golfballs or something!
Inside Tim's Brain: Okay, I need someone to stab me for thinking that...

Posted by Cynan at December 3, 2005 09:34 PM

Who WOULDN'T want a personal grooming kit?!?!?! I think it'd be great for all those pesky ear, nose and 'Down there' hair! :-D

Posted by: Jeff at December 5, 2005 04:14 PM
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